
Disable F10 function in Ubuntu Cinnamon GNOME terminal

Description of the problem:
When F10 is pressed, the File menu is opened. There are apps, such as emacs, htop, which depend on F10 key. The conflicting keys cause troubles when using those apps.

How to fix:
sudo apt install compizconfig-settings-manager
Open up CompizConfig Settings Manager.

    Hit Super to open the Dash, type "Compiz" and hit Enter.

Type "unity" in the Filter entry and select the Ubuntu Unity Plugin.

Click the button to the right of Key to open the first panel menu and uncheck the Enabled checkbox.

That disabled the global F10 shortcut, now disable gnome-terminal's F10 shortcut:

    In a gnome-terminal open up Keyboards Shortcuts (Edits | Preferences | General) and uncheck Enable the menu shortcut key (F10 by default)

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