The LG display settings need to be modified.
Press the center button to open the settings. 设置 | 通用 | HDMI兼容模式 | 开启
The LG display settings need to be modified.
Press the center button to open the settings. 设置 | 通用 | HDMI兼容模式 | 开启
Download and install the drive. Follow the GUI instructions on how to add a printer.
If the .run file cannot install the application correctly, use the Advanced Option by downloading the tarball, .configure, make and sudo make install. Instruction is here:
If using the manual method: run sudo hp-setup to setup.
# Match a sentence that starts with either word
pattern = re.compile(r'^(?:DW_API_PUBLIC|DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC).*?;', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)