
网易云音乐 Netease Cloud Music登录不能保持

find ~/.config/netease-cloud-music -exec sudo chown $USER:$USER {} +
find ~/.config/netease-cloud-music -exec sudo chmod 755 {} +
find ~/.cache/netease-cloud-music -exec sudo chown $USER:$USER {} +
find ~/.cache/netease-cloud-music -exec sudo chmod 755 {} +


Ubuntu 18.04 fix mouse and fix wifi

If the bluetooth mouse doesn't work properly:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bluetooth/bluez
sudo apt install bluez

To fix it temporarily:
sudo service bluetooth restart

If the WIFI adapter is lost after resume or hibernation:
#! /bin/bash

# Little sleep for safety (??)
sleep 5;

# Remove all of the wifi modules from the kernel
sudo modprobe -r mwifiex_pcie;
sudo modprobe -r mwifiex;
sudo modprobe -r cfg80211;

# Re-add all of the wifi modules
sudo modprobe -i cfg80211;
sudo modprobe -i mwifiex;
sudo modprobe -i mwifiex_pcie;

# Restart netmanager
sudo service NetworkManager restart;


Enable Ubuntu 18.04 hibernate

To make things easy: create a swap drive instead of using a swap file.
Then follow: https://fitzcarraldoblog.wordpress.com/2018/07/14/configuring-lubuntu-18-04-to-enable-hibernation-using-a-swap-file/

NOTE: don't use resumedelay because it'll increase the boot time.  Use resumedelay=1