For cygwin/mintty + emacs blinking cursor issue, it can be solved by:
To stop the cursor from blinking in Micro$oft Windows applications:
Or just navigate to Control Panel / Keyboard, and under "Cursor blink rate" move the slider all the way to the left.
For Google docs:
Install Stylebot extension:
.kix-cursor-caret {
border-color: rgb(255,0,0);
border-width: 3px;
.kix-cursor {
-webkit-animation-iteration-count: 0 !important;
.docs-text-ui-cursor-blink {
animation-name: none;
In Firefox, it's possible to type about:config in the url bar, and
create ui.caretBlinkTime with type integer and value 0.
For Qt5 applications:
For Mac:
defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOn -float 99999999
defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOff -float 99999999
defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriod -float 3600000