set bell-style none # disable bell
"\e[1;5C": forward-word # ctrl + right
"\e[1;5D": backward-word # ctrl + left
Make gitg settings better
Change the font of the source view part:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name "Ubuntu Mono 11"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name "Ubuntu Mono 11"
Segmentation fault (core dumped) Cgiwin/X X11 forwarding fix
The error:
[603333.290448] nautilus[12834]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f6f312959bf sp 00007ffebb652cc8 error 4 in[7f6f31200000+1bf000]
[603333.290448] nautilus[12834]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f6f312959bf sp 00007ffebb652cc8 error 4 in[7f6f31200000+1bf000]
How to fix:
ssh to the remote server machine:
cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/nvidia-375/ .
Cannot ping a windows 10 machine
1. Make sure the network discovery and file sharing is turned on the Windows 10 machine
2. Make sure the firewall allows the connection.
3. Restart your router to refresh your changes. This is important because Windows can cache the network discovery result.
1. Make sure the network discovery and file sharing is turned on the Windows 10 machine
2. Make sure the firewall allows the connection.
3. Restart your router to refresh your changes. This is important because Windows can cache the network discovery result.
How to use X11 forwarding with cygwin/X
Install xinit when install cygwin
Make sure the ssh server has X11Forwarding yes
Make sure "ForwardX11 yes" in the .ssh/config file from the ssh origination machine (not server). Otherwise, copy/paste won't work correctly.
On the client: export DISPLAY=:0.0
Start XWin Server under Cynwin-X folder in the start menu
Then run ssh with: ssh -Y
In the ssh console, you can start a GUI application, such as xterm, eclipse etc.
Make sure the ssh server has X11Forwarding yes
Make sure "ForwardX11 yes" in the .ssh/config file from the ssh origination machine (not server). Otherwise, copy/paste won't work correctly.
On the client: export DISPLAY=:0.0
Start XWin Server under Cynwin-X folder in the start menu
Then run ssh with: ssh -Y
In the ssh console, you can start a GUI application, such as xterm, eclipse etc.
X11 forwarding font too small HiDPI HDPI
export GDK_SCALE=2
export ELM_SCALE=2
Add, e.g. GDK_SCALE=2 before running an app.
For example GDK_SCALE=2 nautilus
For eclipse, add GDK_DPI_SCALE=2 before running it.
For emacs, add GDK_DPI_SCALE=2 before running it. Also the font size needs to be changed to: height 205
For Filezilla, I have to install Filezilla 3.25 from source code. There are a bunch of dependencies missing because I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.
Important libraries to install:
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev
Manually installed libfilezilla (version 0.9.1), libgnutls (version 3.4.15), and wdwidgets (version 3.0.2).
Once Filezilla uses GTK 3.0, it can be launched with GDK_SCALE=2 in front of it.
For example:
GDK_SCALE=2 filezilla
For Ubuntu 16.04 Chrome:
export ELM_SCALE=2
Add, e.g. GDK_SCALE=2 before running an app.
For example GDK_SCALE=2 nautilus
For eclipse, add GDK_DPI_SCALE=2 before running it.
For emacs, add GDK_DPI_SCALE=2 before running it. Also the font size needs to be changed to: height 205
For Filezilla, I have to install Filezilla 3.25 from source code. There are a bunch of dependencies missing because I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.
Important libraries to install:
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev
Manually installed libfilezilla (version 0.9.1), libgnutls (version 3.4.15), and wdwidgets (version 3.0.2).
Once Filezilla uses GTK 3.0, it can be launched with GDK_SCALE=2 in front of it.
For example:
GDK_SCALE=2 filezilla
For Ubuntu 16.04 Chrome:
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop
- Find this line:
Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U
- Change it to this:
Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --force-device-scale-factor=2 %U
- Save/close, relaunch Chrome.
For Spark store applications:
Find the scale.txt file in the .deepinwine folder and change it, e.g. ~/.deepinwine/Spark-CloudMusic/scale.txt
How to setup cygwin
Install Cygwin:
If you need to install new packages, run the installer again!
Packages to install:
Because the version with cygwin package has slowness problem, to use git:
/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin to PATH environment variable.
Need to change some git colors in cygwin:
git config --global color.diff.meta black
To use gitk:
Make sure gitk runs: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/cmd/gitk (May need to restart the computer or something, not sure why it didn't work for the first try and all of a sudden, it worked)
Change git core.editor to "D://Programs//wscite//scite.exe"
Install meld, then run:
git config --global merge.tool meld
git config --global diff.tool meld
git config --global mergetool.meld.path "C://Program Files (x86)//Meld//Meld.exe"
git config --global --add difftool.prompt false
If you need to install new packages, run the installer again!
Packages to install:
Because the version with cygwin package has slowness problem, to use git:
/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin to PATH environment variable.
Need to change some git colors in cygwin:
git config --global color.diff.meta black
To use gitk:
Make sure gitk runs: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/cmd/gitk (May need to restart the computer or something, not sure why it didn't work for the first try and all of a sudden, it worked)
Change git core.editor to "D://Programs//wscite//scite.exe"
Install meld, then run:
git config --global merge.tool meld
git config --global diff.tool meld
git config --global mergetool.meld.path "C://Program Files (x86)//Meld//Meld.exe"
git config --global --add difftool.prompt false
git config core.symlinks false
In .bash_profile, add
. ~/.bashrc
Download cygwin_home folder.
Set HOME environment variable set to C:\Users\liangzou (Must be done first. Need to logout and login again).
In .bash_profile, add
. ~/.bashrc
Download cygwin_home folder.
Set HOME environment variable set to C:\Users\liangzou (Must be done first. Need to logout and login again).
To make ssh use the .ssh/config in the home directory:
rm -rf /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/home/liangzou
cd /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/home/
ln -s /cygdrive/c/Users/lltou liangzou
- Verify your Cygwin /etc/passwd does not exist
- "mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd" (this will insert many accounts into your new /etc/passwd)
- Change the user name in the /etc/passwd to the one you want.
- kill all cygwin shells
- bring up a new cygwin shell
If ctrl+arrow appears as ;5C or ;5D, make sure ~ is pointing to C:\Users\liangzou instead of /home/liangzou, which should be pointing to C:\Users\liangzou
Install Windows Terminal, then use the config settings:
"$schema": "",
// Add custom actions and keybindings to this array.
// To unbind a key combination from your defaults.json, set the command to "unbound".
// To learn more about actions and keybindings, visit
// Copy and paste are bound to Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V in your defaults.json.
// These two lines additionally bind them to Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
// To learn more about selection, visit
"action": "copy",
"singleLine": false
"keys": "ctrl+c"
// { "command": "paste", "keys": "ctrl+v" },
// Press Ctrl+Shift+F to open the search box
"command": "find",
"keys": "ctrl+shift+f"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 0
"keys": "alt+1"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 1
"keys": "alt+2"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 2
"keys": "alt+3"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 3
"keys": "alt+4"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 4
"keys": "alt+5"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 5
"keys": "alt+6"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 6
"keys": "alt+7"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 7
"keys": "alt+8"
"action": "switchToTab",
"index": 8
"keys": "alt+9"
// Press Alt+Shift+D to open a new pane.
// - "split": "auto" makes this pane open in the direction that provides the most surface area.
// - "splitMode": "duplicate" makes the new pane use the focused pane's profile.
// To learn more about panes, visit
"action": "splitPane",
"split": "auto",
"splitMode": "duplicate"
"keys": "alt+shift+d"
"copyFormatting": "none",
"copyOnSelect": false,
"defaultProfile": "{f1c07b24-77de-4f9a-9a53-e9b7788c150e}",
"disableAnimations": true,
"largePasteWarning": false,
"multiLinePasteWarning": false,
"antialiasingMode": "cleartype",
"colorScheme": "liang",
"cursorColor": "#FF0000",
"cursorShape": "filledBox",
"fontFace": "Ubuntu Mono - Bront",
"fontSize": 11
"closeOnExit": "graceful",
"commandline": "C:/cygwin64/bin/bash.exe --login -i",
"guid": "{f1c07b24-77de-4f9a-9a53-e9b7788c150e}",
"historySize": 999999,
"icon": "C:/cygwin64/Cygwin-Terminal.ico",
"name": "Cygwin",
"padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"snapOnInput": true,
"useAcrylic": false
"commandline": "cmd.exe",
"guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Command Prompt"
"commandline": "powershell.exe",
"guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
"hidden": true,
"name": "Windows PowerShell"
"guid": "{b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}",
"hidden": true,
"name": "Azure Cloud Shell",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Azure"
"background": "#0C0C0C",
"black": "#0C0C0C",
"blue": "#0037DA",
"brightBlack": "#767676",
"brightBlue": "#3B78FF",
"brightCyan": "#61D6D6",
"brightGreen": "#16C60C",
"brightPurple": "#B4009E",
"brightRed": "#E74856",
"brightWhite": "#F2F2F2",
"brightYellow": "#F9F1A5",
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cyan": "#3A96DD",
"foreground": "#CCCCCC",
"green": "#13A10E",
"name": "Campbell",
"purple": "#881798",
"red": "#C50F1F",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#CCCCCC",
"yellow": "#C19C00"
"background": "#012456",
"black": "#0C0C0C",
"blue": "#0037DA",
"brightBlack": "#767676",
"brightBlue": "#3B78FF",
"brightCyan": "#61D6D6",
"brightGreen": "#16C60C",
"brightPurple": "#B4009E",
"brightRed": "#E74856",
"brightWhite": "#F2F2F2",
"brightYellow": "#F9F1A5",
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cyan": "#3A96DD",
"foreground": "#CCCCCC",
"green": "#13A10E",
"name": "Campbell Powershell",
"purple": "#881798",
"red": "#C50F1F",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#CCCCCC",
"yellow": "#C19C00"
"background": "#282C34",
"black": "#282C34",
"blue": "#61AFEF",
"brightBlack": "#5A6374",
"brightBlue": "#61AFEF",
"brightCyan": "#56B6C2",
"brightGreen": "#98C379",
"brightPurple": "#C678DD",
"brightRed": "#E06C75",
"brightWhite": "#DCDFE4",
"brightYellow": "#E5C07B",
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cyan": "#56B6C2",
"foreground": "#DCDFE4",
"green": "#98C379",
"name": "One Half Dark",
"purple": "#C678DD",
"red": "#E06C75",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#DCDFE4",
"yellow": "#E5C07B"
"background": "#FAFAFA",
"black": "#383A42",
"blue": "#0184BC",
"brightBlack": "#4F525D",
"brightBlue": "#61AFEF",
"brightCyan": "#56B5C1",
"brightGreen": "#98C379",
"brightPurple": "#C577DD",
"brightRed": "#DF6C75",
"brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
"brightYellow": "#E4C07A",
"cursorColor": "#4F525D",
"cyan": "#0997B3",
"foreground": "#383A42",
"green": "#50A14F",
"name": "One Half Light",
"purple": "#A626A4",
"red": "#E45649",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#FAFAFA",
"yellow": "#C18301"
"background": "#002B36",
"black": "#002B36",
"blue": "#268BD2",
"brightBlack": "#073642",
"brightBlue": "#839496",
"brightCyan": "#93A1A1",
"brightGreen": "#586E75",
"brightPurple": "#6C71C4",
"brightRed": "#CB4B16",
"brightWhite": "#FDF6E3",
"brightYellow": "#657B83",
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cyan": "#2AA198",
"foreground": "#839496",
"green": "#859900",
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"purple": "#D33682",
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"brightYellow": "#657B83",
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"cyan": "#06989A",
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"green": "#4E9A06",
"name": "Tango Dark",
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"red": "#CC0000",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#D3D7CF",
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"brightPurple": "#AD7FA8",
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"brightWhite": "#EEEEEC",
"brightYellow": "#FCE94F",
"cursorColor": "#000000",
"cyan": "#06989A",
"foreground": "#555753",
"green": "#4E9A06",
"name": "Tango Light",
"purple": "#75507B",
"red": "#CC0000",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#D3D7CF",
"yellow": "#C4A000"
"background": "#000000",
"black": "#000000",
"blue": "#000080",
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"brightBlue": "#0000FF",
"brightCyan": "#00FFFF",
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"brightPurple": "#FF00FF",
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"brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
"brightYellow": "#FFFF00",
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cyan": "#008080",
"foreground": "#C0C0C0",
"green": "#008000",
"name": "Vintage",
"purple": "#800080",
"red": "#800000",
"selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
"white": "#C0C0C0",
"yellow": "#808000"
"background": "#F5E7D1",
"black": "#0C0C0C",
"blue": "#0037DA",
"brightBlack": "#767676",
"brightBlue": "#3B78FF",
"brightCyan": "#61D6D6",
"brightGreen": "#16C60C",
"brightPurple": "#B4009E",
"brightRed": "#E74856",
"brightWhite": "#F2F2F2",
"brightYellow": "#F9F1A5",
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cyan": "#3A96DD",
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"name": "liang",
"purple": "#881798",
"red": "#C50F1F",
"selectionBackground": "#000000",
"white": "#CCCCCC",
"yellow": "#C19C00"
"showTabsInTitlebar": false,
"theme": "light",
"wordDelimiters": " ()$\"';:<>[]\u2502"
Solve docker mounted volume permission denied issue
docker run -ti \
-v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro \
-u $( id -u $USER ):$( id -g $USER ) \
some-image:lastest bash
-v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro \
-u $( id -u $USER ):$( id -g $USER ) \
some-image:lastest bash
Increase Docker container size
sudo service docker stop
sudo dockerd --storage-opt dm.basesize=50G
sudo service docker start
Then delete all images and containers
Then docker pull
sudo dockerd --storage-opt dm.basesize=50G
sudo service docker start
Then delete all images and containers
Then docker pull
GIT command autocomplete with alias/aliases
# To Setup: |
# 1) Save the .git-completion.bash file found here: |
# |
# 2) Add the following lines to your .bash_profile, be sure to reload (for example: source ~/.bash_profile) for the changes to take effect: |
# Git branch bash completion |
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then |
. ~/.git-completion.bash |
# Add git completion to aliases |
__git_complete g __git_main |
__git_complete gc _git_checkout |
__git_complete gm __git_merge |
__git_complete gp _git_pull |
fi |
# Make sure you actually have those aliases defined, of course. |
alias g="git" |
alias gc="git checkout" |
alias gm="git merge" |
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